The XA AneuScore III Probe Kit contains different probe mixes, provided in separate test vials, for assessing chromosomal aneuploidies for chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X, and Y. The XA 13/18/21 mix of specific probes allows detecting copy number variations of chromosomes 13, 18, and 21. The green labeled probe hybridizes to a region at 13q14 including the RB1 locus, the blue (aqua) labeled probe hybridizes to a locus at 18q21, and the orange labeled probe hybridizes to a region at 21q22 including the DSCR4 (Down syndrome critical region 4).
The XA X/Y/18 mix of specific probes allows detecting copy number variations for chromosomes X, Y, and 18. The probe mix is composed of repetitive sequences which hybridize to the centromeric region of chromosomes X in green, Y in orange, and 18 in blue (aqua).